de Boulle Catalog
enis Boulle was born on the island of Mauritius in the southwestern In- dian Ocean and spent his early years there and in Cape Town,
two-story French villa. Denis and Karen Boulle originally es- tablished de Boulle Diamond & Jewelry with a vision of providing their custom- ers a premier collection of fine jewelry, luxury timepieces of world renowned brands, impeccable service and a beauti- ful and friendly environment. Then and now, these elements make up “The de Boulle Experience™.” de Boulle’s collec- tion of fine diamonds, fine jewelry and timepieces is unsurpassed for elegance, quality and long-term value. Since the beginning, Denis and Karen have worked to ensure that purchasing fine jewelry and luxury timepieces at de Boulle is al- ways informative, fun and very reward- ing. Thirty-two years later, they continue to strive each and every day to make that mission a reality for each customer that walks through the door. The Boulle name has a long tradi- tion of craftsmanship dating back to
the 1700s. Christened by his contem- poraries as “the most skillful artisan in Paris,” André-Charles Boulle’s name is synonymous with the practice of inlay- ing furniture with marquetry of tortoise- shell, pewter and brass. Although he did not invent the technique, Boulle was its greatest practitioner and the technique is commonly referred to as “boulle work.” Boulle also specialized in floral mar- quetry in both stained and naturally col- ored wood. Boulle carried out numerous royal commissions from Henri IV to Lou- is XV, as well as foreign princes and the great nobles, government ministers and financiers. Many of his designs are illus- trated in a book of engravings published around 1720. Some of his works include bureaus, armoires, pedestals and clocks. Over the past 30 years, de Boulle has enhanced the Boulle reputation and fine tradition of craftsmanship through the exquisite de Boulle Collection™ of fine
South Africa. His family eventually moved to England, where he was educat- ed. In 1983, Denis and his wife Karen, also a native of England, originally launched de Boulle Diamond & Jewelry as a small jewelry salon in University Park’s Snider Plaza shopping center. Denis introduced Dallas to luxury watch brands along with fine jewelry collections from Italy. Since then, de Boulle has served thousands of discriminating customers worldwide and has built a reputation as one of the pre-eminent family owned jewelers in the North America. In 2001, de Boulle moved to its cur- rent location – a beautiful, sophisticated 13,600-square foot salon in the style of a
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