FlippingBook Publisher - Product Guide


How to change the order of your pages? You can move pages in your publication to a different location. This is very useful if you added new pages (which will appear at the end) but want to move them to the middle of your publication. Go to the Pages tab Right-click on the miniature preview of the page that you want to move From the pop-up menu, select Move Page(s) In the Move Selected Pages window, type the new page number for your page and Click on the Move button. Alternatively you can simply select a page, and drag it to its new place in the pages pane with your mouse 1 2 3 4 5

Tip You can select several pages at the same time by keeping the Ctrl-button pressed down while clicking on the miniature pages. FlippingBook publisher will move all pages. But be careful: The entered page number will be used by the page you selected last! For example, if you select page 3 and 4 and move them to page 10, then page 3 will be moved to page 9 and page 4 to page 10.

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