FlippingBook Publisher - Product Guide
How to replace an existing page? If you updated your source PDF and replaced just a single page (or a few pages) then you probably don’t want to create a completely new project in FlippingBook Publisher – especially if you have made a lot of customizations. In this case it is possible just to replace the existing pages. Go to the Pages tab Right-click on the miniature preview of the page that you want to replace From the pop-up menu, select Import , then Re-import selected page(s) In the Import Document window, select your updated PDF. Click Start . The selected page will be replaced with the new one and all additions that you have made (such as videos, links, pop-up and inline images) remain intact. 1 2 3 4 5
Tip You can select several pages at the same time by keeping the Ctrl-button pressed down while clicking on the miniature pages. FlippingBook publisher will import the content that is present your PDF on the selected pages. If you added or removed pages that affect the page numbering you will have to modify the page numbers manually in the Custom field.
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