FlippingBook Publisher - Product Guide


How to add pop-up images? With FlippingBook Publisher you can embed pop-up images in your pub- lications. A pop-up image is a clickable area in your publication. When your readers click on it, an enlarged image will pop up. Go to the page where you want to insert the pop-up image Click on the Content Editor button in the menu bar and choose Pop-up Image in the menu on the left in the pop-up window that would show up. That would open a Pick Files window. Select the image file that you want to insert and click on Open . A red rectangle with a magnifying glass icon represents the area where your users can click on, causing the popup to appear. Change its position by dragging it across the screen, and change the size by clicking on a corner and then dragging the mouse. You can select the Show image preview on Page to show a preview of your image in your publication. If you do not check this box then the area will be completely transparent, which is useful if your publication already contains a suitable image. When you are finished, you can simply close the Content Editor and FlippingBook Publisher will save the changes automatically. 1 2 3 4 5

Tip You can nudge the pop-up area around by a single pixel with the arrow keys to get it exactly in the right spot. Pressing 'Shift' while using the arrows will move the area 5 pixels.

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