FlippingBook Publisher - Product Guide
PAGE 174
What to do if your publication contains blank pages with "Something went wrong. Sorry, we couldn't render the page content"? When you import your PDF in Flippingbook Publisher, we convert your content to images. To obtain the highest quality results, we use the SVG format by default to convert your pages. It is possible that all looks fine while you create your publication, but after you've uploaded it to your own server, you may see a lot of empty pages with a message "Something went wrong. Sorry, we couldn't render the page content:
The most likely reason for this issue is that the MIME-type for SVG is not configured on your webserver.
If you use Microsoft Internet Information Server, this article may help you on how to add MIME-type on your server. If you use Apache server, you would need to edit the .htaccess file that is generated by Publisher for the publication. You can just open it with the Notepad and you would need to add the following line:
AddType image/svg+xml .svg
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